Eating a minimum of eight portions of fruit and vegetables a day can lower the risk of heart disease by almost a quarter, scientists have claimed.

A new study has found that the accepted wisdom of eating five portions a day for a healthy life could be inadequate.


It ups the government-recommended quota which follows guidelines from the World Health Organisation that currently recommend eating 14 oz of vegetables per day.


However, the new research has found that extra portions provide additional health protection.


People who eat eight or more portions a day have a 22 per cent lower chance of dying from heart disease than someone who eats only three – the national UK average.


However, the report in the European Heart Journal admitted that this could be in part due to people who ate more vegetables also having healthier lifestyles.


A portion weighs just under 3oz and could include a small carrot, a medium apple or a small banana.


The research has looked at 300,000 people aged from 40 to 85 in eight countries.


Victoria Taylor, senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, added: “This large observational study adds weight to the recommendation to eat more fruit and vegetables to help reduce our risk of heart disease.


“Although we have known for some time that eating five portions a day can help to lower our risk of heart disease, it has been less clear whether eating more than this will have an even better effect.


“The take home message is still that eating fruit and vegetables is healthy for your heart.”


For the full article: Telegraph.co.uk


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